Published by Jonn Thomas on 18 Feb 2009 at 01:43 pm
The Six Keys to Living the Golden Life
What is the Golden Life? – Isn’t it when life is going great, when everything feels right, when life is synchronistic with all forms of living? Isn’t it when one is fully expressing oneself? Isn’t it when you’re free from worry or concern, when your inner voices are at peace and the chatter in your brain is quiet?
Maybe it’s when your dreams are finally realized or you’re on a journey or path to fulfilling a dream. Everything is alright with you and the world.
Or perhaps it’s when you can honor, love, embrace and appreciate all of who you are – the good, the bad and the down right ugly.
The Golden Life, in my opinion, is all of the above mentioned scenarios: freedom to be with life as it is and a desire or drive for something greater than your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Below are the Six Keys to Living the Golden Life. The process of bringing a greater understanding of how they work begins here. The six keys properly used will undoubtedly lead to a golden life.
Click on the player below to listen to my live interview with Lisa!
[audio:]Key #1 – The Power of Vision – Vision is the foundation of all of life. Without it, one wanders around with hopes of at least a fleeting moment of fulfillment, excitement and/or happiness. Ever heard someone say, life is good, but there’s still something missing, or I’m just not happy?
Vision, like the foundation of a building or home, is a solid foundation from which you live your life. Think of the concept of a contractor building a home. When the home is being built, a foundation must first be laid, prior to building the walls etc. If the foundation isn’t solid, neither will the home be. The homeowner is then subjected to future structural challenges which lead to many other things.
Your life is no different. Vision is the foundation and it must be solid in order to build a life of power, passion and purpose filled with joy, excitement and laughter, otherwise your life is subjected to unnecessary challenges. It all starts with vision.
Key #2 – Exploring Your Vision – Some call it your heart song, others call it your spiritual calling, many may refer to it as purpose. Either way, you must be willing to find that sweet spot within that reveals your vision. Because it is the foundation for your life, exploring vision is mandatory to all other steps.
Exploration requires Persistence, Perseverance, and Patience to truly find it. Do you have all three?
Key #3 – Articulating Your Vision – Never underestimate the power of the spoken word. Language gives birth to life. It is language that gives us life’s experiences. If you think about it, if there were no words spoken how would we interact with life as we know today? It is hard to imagine isn’t it?
One must be willing to give language to vision. It is also important to be sure the words you give it ignite power and passion in YOU when you speak them.
Key #4 – Identifying Life’s Seductions – Being seduced is never fun when you don’t want to be. If you find that you’ve strayed away from your vision, it is reasonably safe to say you’ve somehow been seduced. The question is how did it happen? Weren’t you paying attention?
There’s always a sense of power you experience when you have choice in how your life goes. It’s not so wonderful when you don’t. Knowing when you’re about to be seduced and choosing not to be can be amazingly powerful and puts you right back in the driver’s seat of your life.
Key #5 – Dealing with Life Seductions – But suppose you didn’t catch yourself and all of a sudden you are seduced. Life caught you off guard.
Most of life seductions aren’t planned or even noticed until it’s too late. Recognition of how you got there, what drove you there in the first place and how you can return is where you build your personal muscle in dealing with life seductions.
Vision, being the foundation of life, can drive you back to your rightful power seat.
Key #6 – Expressing your vision in the World – After the vision is crystal clear, articulated powerfully and you’ve identified the life seductions, you’re now ready to express your vision in the world. Expressing vision is an opportunity to bring it alive to expand and grow.
The expression of your vision is determined by you, the creator. So it can be as big or small as you want. The world to you may be your family, while to another it maybe the planet earth.
You have the final decision as to how you express your vision. In addition, the scope of the world is defined by she who holds the vision.
The Six Keys brings to life new meaning and opens the doorway to freedom, fulfillment, joy and happiness. You must be willing to take the keys and make them your own as you experience everyday living. After all is said and done, it is up to you.
The power lives within you and it’s always been there.
Click on the player below to listen to the live 90-minute tele-seminar – Living The Golden Life!
[audio:]About The Author
Lisa Thomas is the President of The Power, Passion and Purpose Group, Inc also known as The P3 Group, Inc. The P3 Group is a training and development company for women by women, providing life, business & career coaching strategies for women.
The company helps women discover their vision, live purposeful lives and fulfill their dreams. The P3 Coaches and Facilitators take women on a journey of uncovering their personal or professional vision (Spiritual Self), choosing powerful thoughts (Emotional Self) and manifesting their dreams (Physical Self). This unique concept is known as the P3 Circles of Life™.
Their P3 Power Boost Internet Radio Show, P3 Power Boost Online Magazine , P3 Power Boost Workshop , and The P3 Lifeline, all serve as platforms for training and educating our clients in implementing the The P3 Circles of Life™ in everyday living .
Visit their website at